Hospitality Management

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has designed a unique training program called Small Business Competitiveness Programme (SBC)for Tourism & Hospitality Sector. This program uses a facilitation approach to enhance hospitality skills, fostering empowerment and better communication within local communities to improve living standards, productivity, and work environments.

Centering on two key training modules, the SBC program aims to nurture essential skills for initiating and managing a business, emphasizing marketing, financial oversight, and strategic action planning. It offers specialized tracks: one for those looking to start their entrepreneurial journey, titled C-BED for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, and another for current small business owners, referred to as     C-BED for Small Business Operators.

Entrepreneurship Development in Tourism

Hospitality Business Development

  • ILO have developed Small Business Competitiveness (SBC) training programme to support micro and small enterprises in the tourism & hospitality sector
  • SBC is based on the ILO Community-Based Enterprise Development(C-BED) approach to support the  potential / existing entrepreneurs to learn by themselves or through facilitation method.
  • The C-BED programme is structured around two core training packages designed to develop competitiveness for business start-up and operation through a focus on marketing, financial management and action planning. There are C-BED for aspiring entrepreneurs and C-BED for small business operators.
  • C-BED for Aspiring  Entrepreneurs is an introductory training that is suitable for audiences with very limited literacy who wants to gain basic familiarity with business development and operation.
  • C-BED for small business operators aims to help existing entrepreneurs address the challenges they face and improve their competitiveness. C-BED for Small Hotels, C-BED for Homestay, C-BED for Restaurants & Food Vendors is a management package meant to help owners and managers of small hotel, homestay, restaurant & food vendors respectively to improve the management of their business enterprise. It focuses on key management principles to build on from what participants already know from managing their hotel/ home stay/ restaurants & food vendors and helps them to learn more. Participants bring experience to share and leave with a priority action plan (atleast 3 actions to introduce improvements to their business)

Hotel management is a field that deals with overseeing the administrative tasks of a hotel or resort. Your goal as a hotel manager is to ensure all facilities are functioning smoothly, guests are satisfied, and staff are performing their duties effectively and efficiently

Hospitality Management

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